1. Booking
The candidate for a tattoo contacts the studio (by email, phone, Facebook or Instagram) to talk about his project, with visuals or not. Depending on the complexity of the project, you can directly make an appointment, or a creative work is necessary and in this case an appointment for consultation is fixed. A drawing job commits some work time before tattooing, which is why a deposit is requested. It is deducted from the final cost of the tattoo. The deposit is kept as a guarantee and in return for the creative work. It is only returned if a justification for major reason is presented.
2. Drawing
During the consultation appointment, it is sometimes necessary to take dimensions or make an impression of the area to be tattooed. Notes and visual references are also taken in order to have a drawing as close as possible to the request. When the drawing is done the customer is warned and if it is necessary, I can rework on the drawing to adjust it. Once the drawing is correct, an appointment can be schedule for the tattoo if no date has been set during the consultation.
3. Inking
The day of the tattoo session, it is recommended to come with a full stomach, body rested and clean. If you are sick it is better to postpone your appointment. The workroom and its furniture are disinfected daily and between each client. All surfaces used are covered with a protective film. The material used is sterile for single use. It is open after washing hands and wearing gloves. The skin is sanitized just before the start of the tattoo. At the end of the session, the tattoo is protected. Cares to do are explained, in order to know how to manage the tattoo suites. And of course I remain reachable for everything related to healing. If touchups are necessary, they are done for free, but you have to come within 4 months. Past this deadline, it will be charged like a classic tattoo.